Campus Activities
Get Involved in Over 30 Student Organizations
Clubs & Organizations
Meet new friends and have fun by joining a club or organization.
Greek Life
Join one of four Greek fraternities/sororities on campus.
Choose from more than 20 intramural sports, from flag football to mini-golf.

Campus Activities Board
Your Campus Activities Board (CAB) is the main programing organization on campus. CAB is run by students for students, and our events are open to anyone
- Comedians
- Bands
- Movies
- Hawk Wild
- Finally Friday
- Jump Into Spring
- Football Tailgate Party
- Back to school block party
- Commuter grab-n-go breakfast
- Midnight dodgeball
- Saturday Strikes
- Friday Night Live
- Homecoming
- Parents/Family Weekend
- Darts & Bingo
- Breakfast bingo
- 10,000 water balloon fight
- Intramural sports
- Cram Jam
- Super bowl party
- Glow in the dark frisbee
If there are other events you would like to see happen on campus let us know.